/*jshint esversion: 11 */
// @ts-check
* CS559 3D World Framework Code
* Simple Example Objects - they don't do much, but for convenience they
* provide wrappers around THREE objects
* @module SimpleObjects
// we need to have the BaseClass definition
import { GrObject } from "./GrObject.js";
import * as T from "../CS559-Three/build/three.module.js";
let simpleObjectCounter = 0;
* we pass a set of properties to a cube to allow for flexible parameters
* @typedef CubeProperties
* @type {object}
* @property {THREE.Material} [material]
* @property {string | number} [color]
* @property {number} [x=0]
* @property {number} [y=0]
* @property {number} [z=0]
* @property {number} [size=1]
* @property {number} [widthSegments=8] - only for Sphere
* @property {number} [heightSegments=6] - only for Sphere
* A simple GrObject: A cube - allows for setting various parameters as parameters
export class GrCube extends GrObject {
* @param {CubeProperties} params
* @param {Array<string|Array>} [paramInfo] - parameters for the GrObject (for sliders)
constructor(params = {}, paramInfo = []) {
const material = params.material ?? new T.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: params.color ?? '#FF8888' });
const size = params.size ?? 1;
const geometry = new T.BoxGeometry(
params.widthSegments ?? 1,
params.heightSegments ?? 1
// note that we have to make the Object3D before we can call
// super and we have to call super before we can use this
const mesh = new T.Mesh(geometry, material);
super(`Cube-${simpleObjectCounter++}`, mesh, paramInfo);
// put the object in its place
mesh.position.x = Number(params.x) || 0;
mesh.position.y = Number(params.y) || 0;
mesh.position.z = Number(params.z) || 0;
* A simple object: A sphere (not it uses the CubeParams, since they apply as well)
export class GrSphere extends GrObject {
* @param {CubeProperties} params
* @param {Array<string|Array>} [paramInfo] - parameters for the GrObject (for sliders)
constructor(params = {}, paramInfo = []) {
const material = params.material ?? new T.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: params.color ?? '#FF8888' });
const radius = (params.size / 2.0) || 1.0
const geometry = new T.SphereBufferGeometry(
params.widthSegments ?? 8,
params.heightSegments ?? 6
// note that we have to make the Object3D before we can call
// super and we have to call super before we can use this
const mesh = new T.Mesh(geometry, material);
super(`Sphere-${simpleObjectCounter++}`, mesh, paramInfo);
// put the object in its place
mesh.position.x = Number(params.x) || 0;
mesh.position.y = Number(params.y) || 0;
mesh.position.z = Number(params.z) || 0;
this.mesh = mesh;
* Update the geometry of the sphere to change its level of complexity
* @param {number} [widthSegments] - number of horizontal segments
* @param {number} [heightSegments] - number of vertical segments
setSegmentation(widthSegments, heightSegments) {
this.mesh.geometry = new T.SphereBufferGeometry(this.mesh.geometry.parameters.radius, widthSegments, heightSegments);
* A simple object: a rectangle/square (flat) - useful for making signs
// modified by ref: https://sbcode.net/threejs/geometry-to-buffergeometry/
export class GrSquareSign extends GrObject {
constructor(params = {}, paramInfo = []) {
const materialProps = {
side: T.DoubleSide,
color: params.color ?? 0xff8888,
if (params.map) materialProps.map = params.map;
const material = params.material ?? new T.MeshStandardMaterial(materialProps)
const size = params.size ?? 0.5;
const geometry = new T.PlaneBufferGeometry(size, size);
// note that we have to make the Object3D before we can call
// super and we have to call super before we can use this
const mesh = new T.Mesh(geometry, material);
super(`SquareSign-${simpleObjectCounter++}`, mesh, paramInfo);
// put the object in its place
mesh.position.x = Number(params.x) || 0;
mesh.position.y = Number(params.y) || 0;
mesh.position.z = Number(params.z) || 0;
this.mesh = mesh;
* @param {Object} [params]
* @param {string | number} [params.color]
* @param {THREE.Texture} [params.map]
* @param {THREE.Material} [params.material]
* @param {number} [params.x]
* @param {number} [params.y]
* @param {number} [params.z]
* @param {number} [params.size]
* @param {Array<string|Array>} [paramInfo ]
constructor(params = {}, paramInfo = []) {
// make a square out of triangles
const size = params.size ?? 0.5;
const geometry = new T.BufferGeometry();
// set vertices
const vertices = new Float32Array([
-size, -size, 0,
size, -size, 0,
-size, size, 0,
size, -size, 0,
size, size, 0,
-size, size, 0,
geometry.setAttribute('position', new T.BufferAttribute(vertices, 3))
// set uv grid
const uvs = new Float32Array([
0, 0,
1, 0,
0, 1,
1, 0,
1, 1,
0, 1
geometry.setAttribute('uv', new T.BufferAttribute(uvs, 2))
// uv.needsUpdate = true;
const materialProps = {
side: T.DoubleSide,
color: params.color ?? 0xffffff,
if (params.map) materialProps.map = params.map;
const material = params.material ?? new T.MeshStandardMaterial(materialProps)
const mesh = new T.Mesh(geometry, material);
super(`SquareSign-${simpleObjectCounter++}`, mesh, paramInfo);
// put the object in its place
mesh.position.x = Number(params.x) || 0;
mesh.position.y = Number(params.y) || 0;
mesh.position.z = Number(params.z) || 0;
* A "simple" object (TorusKnot) - this is built into THREE, so the code here is simple,
* but the object itself has non-simple appearance
export class GrTorusKnot extends GrObject {
* @param {Object} [params]
* @param {string | number} [params.color]
* @param {THREE.Material} [params.material]
* @param {number} [params.x]
* @param {number} [params.y]
* @param {number} [params.z]
* @param {number} [params.size]
* @param {Array<string|Array>} [paramInfo] - parameters for the GrObject (for sliders)
constructor(params = {}, paramInfo = []) {
const material = params.material ?? new T.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: params.color ?? '#FF8888' });
const geometry = new T.TorusKnotBufferGeometry();
// note that we have to make the Object3D before we can call
// super and we have to call super before we can use this
const mesh = new T.Mesh(geometry, material);
super(`TorusKnot-${simpleObjectCounter++}`, mesh, paramInfo);
// put the object in its place
mesh.position.x = Number(params.x) || 0;
mesh.position.y = Number(params.y) || 0;
mesh.position.z = Number(params.z) || 0;
// set size by scaling
const size = params.size || 1.0;
mesh.scale.set(size, size, size);
* A "simple" object - a group
* Remember that the framework doesn't actually handle hierarchy - you add THREE Object3D to the group
export class GrGroup extends GrObject {
* @param {Object} [params]
* @param {number} [params.x]
* @param {number} [params.y]
* @param {number} [params.z]
* @param {Array<string|Array>} [paramInfo] - parameters for the GrObject (for sliders)
constructor(params = {}, paramInfo = []) {
const group = new T.Group();
super(`Group-${simpleObjectCounter++}`, group, paramInfo);
// put the object in its place
group.position.x = Number(params.x) || 0;
group.position.y = Number(params.y) || 0;
group.position.z = Number(params.z) || 0;
* Add an Object3D to the group (not a GrObject!)
* @param {T.Object3D} obj
add(obj) {
export class GrCylinder extends GrObject {
* @param {*} params
* @param {Array<string|Array>} [paramInfo]
constructor(params = {}, paramInfo = []) {
const material = params.material ?? new T.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: params.color ?? '#FF8888' });
const radius = params.radius ?? 1;
const geometry = new T.CylinderBufferGeometry(
params.top ?? radius,
params.bottom ?? radius,
params.height ?? 1.0,
params.widthSegments ?? 8,
params.heightSegments ?? 6
// note that we have to make the Object3D before we can call
// super and we have to call super before we can use this
const mesh = new T.Mesh(geometry, material);
super(`Sphere-${simpleObjectCounter++}`, mesh, paramInfo);
// put the object in its place
mesh.position.x = Number(params.x) || 0;
mesh.position.y = Number(params.y) || 0;
mesh.position.z = Number(params.z) || 0;