Source: SimpleObjects.js

/*jshint esversion: 6 */
// @ts-check

 * CS559 3D World Framework Code
 * Simple Example Objects - they don't do much, but for convenience they
 * provide wrappers around THREE objects

 /** @module SimpleObjects */

// we need to have the BaseClass definition
import { GrObject } from "./GrObject.js";

// these four lines fake out TypeScript into thinking that THREE
// has the same type as the T.js module, so things work for type checking
// type inferencing figures out that THREE has the same type as T
// and then I have to use T (not THREE) to avoid the "UMD Module" warning
/**  @type typeof import("./../THREE/threets/index"); */
let T;
// @ts-ignore

let simpleObjectCounter = 0;

// a simple GrObject - a cube
 * @typedef CubeProperties
 * @type {object}
 * @property {THREE.Material} [material]
 * @property {string} [color]
 * @property {number} [x=0]
 * @property {number} [y=0]
 * @property {number} [z=0]
 * @property {number} [size=1]
export class GrCube extends GrObject {
     * @param {CubeProperties} params 
     * @param {Array<string|Array>} [paramInfo] - parameters for the GrObject (for sliders)
    constructor(params={},paramInfo=undefined) {
        let material;
        if (params.material) {
            material = params.material;
        } else if (params.color) {
            material = new T.MeshStandardMaterial( {color:params.color} );
        } else {
            material = new T.MeshStandardMaterial( {color: "#FF8888"});
        let geom = new T.CubeGeometry(params.size,params.size,params.size);
        let mesh = new T.Mesh(geom, material);
        // note that we have to make the Object3D before we can call
        // super and we have to call super before we can use this

        // put the object in its place
        mesh.position.x = params.x ? Number(params.x) : 0;
        mesh.position.y = params.y ? Number(params.y) : 0;
        mesh.position.z = params.z ? Number(params.z) : 0;

export class GrSphere extends GrObject {
     * @param {CubeProperties} params 
     * @param {Array<string|Array>} [paramInfo] - parameters for the GrObject (for sliders)
    constructor(params, paramInfo) {
        let material;
        if (params.material) {
            material = params.material;
        } else if (params.color) {
            material = new T.MeshStandardMaterial( {color:params.color} );
        } else {
            material = new T.MeshStandardMaterial( {color: "#FF8888"});
        let geom = new T.SphereBufferGeometry(params.size ? (params.size / 2.0) : 1.0);
        let mesh = new T.Mesh(geom, material);
        // note that we have to make the Object3D before we can call
        // super and we have to call super before we can use this

        // put the object in its place
        mesh.position.x = params.x ? Number(params.x) : 0;
        mesh.position.y = params.y ? Number(params.y) : 0;
        mesh.position.z = params.z ? Number(params.z) : 0;