Module: GrWorld




(inner) T


Type Definitions


Document the parameters for making a world - all are optional we'll guess at something if you don't give it to us

Name Type Attributes Default Description
camera <optional>

use this camera if passed

fov <optional>

camera property if we make one

near <optional>

camera property if we make one

far <optional>

camera property if we make one

renderer <optional>

if you don't give one, we'll make it

renderparams <optional>

parameters for making the renderer

width <optional>

canvas size

height <optional>

canvas size

where <optional>

where in the DOM to insert things

controls <optional>

whether or not to make orbit controls (default is only if we make the camera)

lights <optional>

a list of lights, or else default ones are made

groundplane <optional>

can be a groundplane, or False (otherwise, one gets made)

groundplanecolor <optional>

if we create a ground plane, what color

groundplanesize <optional>

if we create a ground plane, how big

lookfrom <optional>

where to put the camera (only if we make the camera)

lookat <optional>

where to have the camera looking (only if we make the camera)
