
CS559 3D Framework (a.k.a. "Graphics Town")

This directory contains framework code to be used for the assignments for the CS559 (Computer Graphics) class at the University of Wisconsin.

It provides a thin wrapper around the THREE.JS library to make it more convenient to do class assignments.

This version starts with the 2019 re-write of the code. There was a prior 2015 version (in "non-modern" JavaScript) that was used from 2015-2018. There were even older versions in C++, beginning from 2000, with the last C++ versin in 2014.

If you want to read about the history of Graphics Town (prior to 2014) and see what the old C++ version was like, read this. If you want to see the original JavaScript framework, you can look here for a description. Yes, that really was all the documentation we gave to students.

WARNING: This documentation is created using JSDoc, and I am not a JSDoc expert. You should also read the code directly. There may also be version skew between the documentation and the code. Trust the code.

What you really want to know

Most of the work that you will do (as a student) will be creating subclasses of GrObject to make new kinds of objects for the world. You should make sure you understand how GrObject works. You can see examples in SimpleObjects and TestObjects. Even more examples are provided with the assignments.

Some important details

  1. The framework code assumes that THREE.JS (and the Orbit Controls) are loaded as a global namespace before the modules that use it are accessed. So, before loading "myfile.js" (which should be a module), you need to do:
<script src="THREE/three.js"></script>
<script src="THREE/OrbitControls.js"></script>
<script src="8-graphicspark.js" type="module"></script>
  1. Because you need to have the objects when the GrObject is created, this can be a problem if you don't have the object immediately (for example, if you are loading an obj file). The best way to deal with this is to create a THREE Group object when the GrObject is created and then add the new object to the group. Even better: put a temporary object into the group, and replace it with the new object when it is loaded. Here is a simple example (using sleep rather than a real loader, but it's the same delayed execution thing). Beware of the non-lexical this (you can't use this in the deferred function). What this example does is create an Object that is a cube initially, but changes to a TorusKnot after 2 seconds.
export class BetterDelayTest extends GrObject {
    constructor() {
        let group = new T.Group();
        super("Delay-Test", group);
        this.group = group;
        // make a cube that will be there temporarily
        let tempCube = new T.Mesh(new T.BoxGeometry(), new T.MeshStandardMaterial());
        // use sleep, rather than OBJ loader
        sleep(2000).then(function() {
            group.add(new T.Mesh(new T.TorusKnotGeometry(), new T.MeshStandardMaterial({color:"purple"})));